His name is Taqi ad-Din Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah. His full name is Taqi ad-Din Abu’l-Abbas Ahmad ibn Abd al- Halim ibn Abd as-Salam ibn Taymiya Al-Harrani. He was born in Harran in 661 AH. He died in Damascus in 728 AH. His grandfather was a Islamic scholar who was very famous. His name was Abu al-Barkat Majd ad-deen ibn Taymiyyah al- Hambali. His father was a well known Islamic intellectual too. His name was Shihab al-deen ‘Abd al Haleem ibn Taymiyyah. Ibn Tayimiyyah’s family shifted to Damascus.
Ibn Taymiyyah was a great Islamic scholar who all Muslims and scholars respect him. He was known as the Shiekhul Islam because his knowledge and endeavor to restore Islam. Ibn Taymiyyah tried to return Islam to the methodology of Salaf to practice Islam. The first three generations were called Salaf. They were Prophet companions, Tabi’in, and Tabi’ut Tabi’in.
Ibn Taymiyyah had strong attack to the teaching deviated Islamic practice like Mu’tazilah, As’ariah, Sufism, and Qadariyah, and Jahmiyah. He also criticized and attacked Ibn Arabi the Sufi preacher. He condemned Sufism. His attack against Ibn Arabi caused anger from Sufi followers.
Most of his works argued current practice of Islam that was deviated. Ibn Taymiyyah struggled to revive the Islamic faith's understanding of true adherence to Tawhid, eradicate beliefs and customs that he held to be foreign to Islam, and to rejuvenate correct Islamic thought and its related sciences (Wikipedia)
Ibn Taymiyyah rejected intercession totally besides as shown in the Qur’an and Sunnah. He stated that these types of intercessions were legal;
Intercession through the Names and Attributes of God,
Intercession through one's good deed,
Intercession through requesting the righteous people who are alive for dua. He further explains that on the day of Judgement, Muhammad and everyone else will be alive and therefore, their intercession can be sought just like in this world, people ask others to make a supplication for them. Ibn Taymiyyah rejected the notion that saints and prophets should be invoked for intercession while they have departed from this world. (Wikipedia)
Ibn Taymiyyah wrote many incredible works that most scholars now refer his writing in Islamic studies. Here are some of his works.
A Great Compilation of Fatwa—(Majmu al-Fatwa al-Kubra) This was collected centuries after his death, and contains several of the works mentioned below.
Minhaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah—(The Pathway of as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah)—Volumes 1–4
Al-Aqidah Al-Waasitiyyah—(The Creed to the People of Wāsiṭ)
Darʾ taʿāruḍ al-ʿaql wa al-naql (The rejection of the conflict between reason and revelation)—10 Volumes. Also called Al-Muwāfaqa ("harmony").
Majmoo' al-Fatawa—(Compilation of Fatawa) Volumes 1–36
al-Aqeedah Al-Hamawiyyah—(The Creed to the People of Hama, Syria)
al-Asma wa's-Sifaat—(Allah's Names and Attributes) Volumes 1–2
al-Jawab as Sahih li man Baddala Din al-Masih (Literally, "The Correct Response to those who have Corrupted the Deen (Religion) of the Messiah"; A Muslim theologian's response to Christianity)—seven volumes, over a thousand pages.
as-Sarim al-Maslul ‘ala Shatim ar-Rasul—The Drawn Sword against those who insult the Messenger. Written in response to an incident in which Ibn Taymiyyah heard a Christian insulting Muhammad. The book is well-known because he wrote it entirely by memory, while in jail, and quoting more than hundreds of references.[25]
Fatawa al-Kubra
Fatawa al-Misriyyah
ar-Radd 'ala al-Mantiqiyyin (Refutation of Greek Logicians)
Naqd at-Ta'sis
al-Uboodiyyah—(Subjection to God)
Iqtida' as-Sirat al-Mustaqim'—(Following The Straight Path)
al-Siyasa al-shar'iyya
at-Tawassul wal-Waseela
Sharh Futuh al-Ghayb—(Commentary on Revelations of the Unseen by Abdul-Qadir Gilani)
Some of his other works have been translated to English. They include:
The Friends of Allah and the Friends of Shaytan
Kitab al Iman: The Book of Faith
Diseases of the Hearts and their Cures
The Relief from Distress
Fundamentals of Enjoining Good & Forbidding Evil
The Concise Legacy
The Goodly Word
The Madinan Way
Ibn Taymiyya against the Greek logicians
Muslims Under Non-Muslim Rule
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Jumat, 28 Desember 2012
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