Short biography of Paul Allen.Paul Allen is an entrepreneur and investor. He is the shareholder of America online, Teluscan (an online financial service), and Starwave (an online content provider). He bought Marcus Cable from 1994 to 1998. He also owns 90 % of Charter communications. He is one of the bosses of the nation’s largest cable companies. In 1999, he spent $2 billions for RCN Corp. His business in the cable and internet industries is over $ 25 billions.
Paul also put his shares in media in 1999. He with his Vulcan Ventures supported, an entertainment company as the partner business of Imagine entertainment owned by director Ron Howard, producer Brian Grazer, and Dream Work SKG established by Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and Davis Geffen.
Paul Allen was born in 1954 in Seattle. He and Bill Gates were close friends when they were in Lakeside School. Paul was 14 and Bill Gates was 12. Paul dropped out from Washington State University in 1975. Together with his dropped out childhood friend from Harvard University, Bill gates Paul founded Microsoft Corp. Paul organized Microsoft to buy Q-DOS for $50,000, that was the used software in Apple and Commodore. Paul and Gates rewrote Q-DOS to MS- DOS. MS-DOS became the software of IBM that led the software market in 1981.
Paul suffered form Hodgkin’s disease. He then quitted from Microsoft Corp but he still owned shares in the company. He was a millionaire at the age 30 as Microsoft became a leading company.
He focused on new project after that. He built a company named Vulcan Ventures in 1986. Vulcan Ventures did some researches to find investment opportunities. In 1992, he set up Interval Research. Vulcan Ventures and Interval Research were two companies that made Paul Allen was one of the richest men in the online and cable industries.
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Senin, 31 Desember 2012
Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012
short biography of Bill Gates
This is short biography of Bill Gates.Bill gates has two sisters. They are Libby and Kristianne. His father is William Henry Gates, Sr. and his mother is Marry Maxwell. Marry was a teacher. She enjoyed working with children. She often took Gates to work in schools and community services. Gates was very close to his mother. Gates has two children. He married Melinda French in 1994. They are Jennifer Katharine gates born in 1996 and Rory John Gates born in 1999.
Microsoft Corporation is one of the biggest software companies. The founder started at very young age. His name is Bill Gates. His full name is William Henry Gates III. He was born on October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington. He is one of the richest men. He established Microsoft Corporation with his mate. His name was Paul Allen.
Gates was very fond of reading. He loved reading encyclopedia. When he was 11 , his parents worried about their kid being introverted boy. At the age of 13 Gates’ parents registered him in Seattle’s Lakeside School. He was good at math and science but he was great in English Drama. He began to be interested in computer programming at the age 13 when he was in Lakeside School.
Gates went to Harvard University in 1973. He built up BASIC programming for personal computer. He began to focus in Microsoft with his mate Paul Allen. Gates and Paul wrote program of personal computer software. Paul Allen was Gates childhood friend. He worked for Honeywell. Gates joined Paul Allen at Honeywell. Gates and Paul was interested in an article about the Altair 8800 mini computer kit MITS ( Micro Instrumentation Telemetry System). The article was written on electronic magazine. Both boys contacted the company of the Altair and offered the owner software. The president, Ed Robert was stumbled and asked Gates and Paul to start their project.
Now, Microsoft Corporation becomes a Million dollars worth company that develops software for personal computer. It went public. Gates has donated $200,000,000 for funding Libraries in North America. He also gives more than $800,000,000 for charities. In 1994, he founded William Henry Gates Foundation. The foundation aims to develop education, world public health service and civic and art organization.
Read more biographies!
Mahathir mohammad, osama bin laden, ibn taymiyyah,Shakespeare, J F kennedy,Soekarno , Bill Gates , Bonnie Prince Charlie , Florence Nightingale , Horace Austin Warner Tabor , Bruce Lee , Che Guevara , Malcolm x, Colonel Sanders , Helio Gracie , mas oyamas , Mohammad Ali, John Milton
Microsoft Corporation is one of the biggest software companies. The founder started at very young age. His name is Bill Gates. His full name is William Henry Gates III. He was born on October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington. He is one of the richest men. He established Microsoft Corporation with his mate. His name was Paul Allen.
Gates was very fond of reading. He loved reading encyclopedia. When he was 11 , his parents worried about their kid being introverted boy. At the age of 13 Gates’ parents registered him in Seattle’s Lakeside School. He was good at math and science but he was great in English Drama. He began to be interested in computer programming at the age 13 when he was in Lakeside School.
Gates went to Harvard University in 1973. He built up BASIC programming for personal computer. He began to focus in Microsoft with his mate Paul Allen. Gates and Paul wrote program of personal computer software. Paul Allen was Gates childhood friend. He worked for Honeywell. Gates joined Paul Allen at Honeywell. Gates and Paul was interested in an article about the Altair 8800 mini computer kit MITS ( Micro Instrumentation Telemetry System). The article was written on electronic magazine. Both boys contacted the company of the Altair and offered the owner software. The president, Ed Robert was stumbled and asked Gates and Paul to start their project.
Now, Microsoft Corporation becomes a Million dollars worth company that develops software for personal computer. It went public. Gates has donated $200,000,000 for funding Libraries in North America. He also gives more than $800,000,000 for charities. In 1994, he founded William Henry Gates Foundation. The foundation aims to develop education, world public health service and civic and art organization.
Read more biographies!
Mahathir mohammad, osama bin laden, ibn taymiyyah,Shakespeare, J F kennedy,Soekarno , Bill Gates , Bonnie Prince Charlie , Florence Nightingale , Horace Austin Warner Tabor , Bruce Lee , Che Guevara , Malcolm x, Colonel Sanders , Helio Gracie , mas oyamas , Mohammad Ali, John Milton
Jumat, 28 Desember 2012
life history of ibn taymiyyah
His name is Taqi ad-Din Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah. His full name is Taqi ad-Din Abu’l-Abbas Ahmad ibn Abd al- Halim ibn Abd as-Salam ibn Taymiya Al-Harrani. He was born in Harran in 661 AH. He died in Damascus in 728 AH. His grandfather was a Islamic scholar who was very famous. His name was Abu al-Barkat Majd ad-deen ibn Taymiyyah al- Hambali. His father was a well known Islamic intellectual too. His name was Shihab al-deen ‘Abd al Haleem ibn Taymiyyah. Ibn Tayimiyyah’s family shifted to Damascus.
Ibn Taymiyyah was a great Islamic scholar who all Muslims and scholars respect him. He was known as the Shiekhul Islam because his knowledge and endeavor to restore Islam. Ibn Taymiyyah tried to return Islam to the methodology of Salaf to practice Islam. The first three generations were called Salaf. They were Prophet companions, Tabi’in, and Tabi’ut Tabi’in.
Ibn Taymiyyah had strong attack to the teaching deviated Islamic practice like Mu’tazilah, As’ariah, Sufism, and Qadariyah, and Jahmiyah. He also criticized and attacked Ibn Arabi the Sufi preacher. He condemned Sufism. His attack against Ibn Arabi caused anger from Sufi followers.
Most of his works argued current practice of Islam that was deviated. Ibn Taymiyyah struggled to revive the Islamic faith's understanding of true adherence to Tawhid, eradicate beliefs and customs that he held to be foreign to Islam, and to rejuvenate correct Islamic thought and its related sciences (Wikipedia)
Ibn Taymiyyah rejected intercession totally besides as shown in the Qur’an and Sunnah. He stated that these types of intercessions were legal;
Intercession through the Names and Attributes of God,
Intercession through one's good deed,
Intercession through requesting the righteous people who are alive for dua. He further explains that on the day of Judgement, Muhammad and everyone else will be alive and therefore, their intercession can be sought just like in this world, people ask others to make a supplication for them. Ibn Taymiyyah rejected the notion that saints and prophets should be invoked for intercession while they have departed from this world. (Wikipedia)
Ibn Taymiyyah wrote many incredible works that most scholars now refer his writing in Islamic studies. Here are some of his works.
A Great Compilation of Fatwa—(Majmu al-Fatwa al-Kubra) This was collected centuries after his death, and contains several of the works mentioned below.
Minhaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah—(The Pathway of as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah)—Volumes 1–4
Al-Aqidah Al-Waasitiyyah—(The Creed to the People of Wāsiṭ)
Darʾ taʿāruḍ al-ʿaql wa al-naql (The rejection of the conflict between reason and revelation)—10 Volumes. Also called Al-Muwāfaqa ("harmony").
Majmoo' al-Fatawa—(Compilation of Fatawa) Volumes 1–36
al-Aqeedah Al-Hamawiyyah—(The Creed to the People of Hama, Syria)
al-Asma wa's-Sifaat—(Allah's Names and Attributes) Volumes 1–2
al-Jawab as Sahih li man Baddala Din al-Masih (Literally, "The Correct Response to those who have Corrupted the Deen (Religion) of the Messiah"; A Muslim theologian's response to Christianity)—seven volumes, over a thousand pages.
as-Sarim al-Maslul ‘ala Shatim ar-Rasul—The Drawn Sword against those who insult the Messenger. Written in response to an incident in which Ibn Taymiyyah heard a Christian insulting Muhammad. The book is well-known because he wrote it entirely by memory, while in jail, and quoting more than hundreds of references.[25]
Fatawa al-Kubra
Fatawa al-Misriyyah
ar-Radd 'ala al-Mantiqiyyin (Refutation of Greek Logicians)
Naqd at-Ta'sis
al-Uboodiyyah—(Subjection to God)
Iqtida' as-Sirat al-Mustaqim'—(Following The Straight Path)
al-Siyasa al-shar'iyya
at-Tawassul wal-Waseela
Sharh Futuh al-Ghayb—(Commentary on Revelations of the Unseen by Abdul-Qadir Gilani)
Some of his other works have been translated to English. They include:
The Friends of Allah and the Friends of Shaytan
Kitab al Iman: The Book of Faith
Diseases of the Hearts and their Cures
The Relief from Distress
Fundamentals of Enjoining Good & Forbidding Evil
The Concise Legacy
The Goodly Word
The Madinan Way
Ibn Taymiyya against the Greek logicians
Muslims Under Non-Muslim Rule
Read more biographies!
Mahathir mohammad, osama bin laden, ibn taymiyyah,Shakespeare, J F kennedy,Soekarno , Bill Gates , Bonnie Prince Charlie , Florence Nightingale , Horace Austin Warner Tabor , Bruce Lee , Che Guevara , Malcolm x, Colonel Sanders , Helio Gracie , mas oyamas , Mohammad Ali, John Milton
Ibn Taymiyyah was a great Islamic scholar who all Muslims and scholars respect him. He was known as the Shiekhul Islam because his knowledge and endeavor to restore Islam. Ibn Taymiyyah tried to return Islam to the methodology of Salaf to practice Islam. The first three generations were called Salaf. They were Prophet companions, Tabi’in, and Tabi’ut Tabi’in.
Ibn Taymiyyah had strong attack to the teaching deviated Islamic practice like Mu’tazilah, As’ariah, Sufism, and Qadariyah, and Jahmiyah. He also criticized and attacked Ibn Arabi the Sufi preacher. He condemned Sufism. His attack against Ibn Arabi caused anger from Sufi followers.
Most of his works argued current practice of Islam that was deviated. Ibn Taymiyyah struggled to revive the Islamic faith's understanding of true adherence to Tawhid, eradicate beliefs and customs that he held to be foreign to Islam, and to rejuvenate correct Islamic thought and its related sciences (Wikipedia)
Ibn Taymiyyah rejected intercession totally besides as shown in the Qur’an and Sunnah. He stated that these types of intercessions were legal;
Intercession through the Names and Attributes of God,
Intercession through one's good deed,
Intercession through requesting the righteous people who are alive for dua. He further explains that on the day of Judgement, Muhammad and everyone else will be alive and therefore, their intercession can be sought just like in this world, people ask others to make a supplication for them. Ibn Taymiyyah rejected the notion that saints and prophets should be invoked for intercession while they have departed from this world. (Wikipedia)
Ibn Taymiyyah wrote many incredible works that most scholars now refer his writing in Islamic studies. Here are some of his works.
A Great Compilation of Fatwa—(Majmu al-Fatwa al-Kubra) This was collected centuries after his death, and contains several of the works mentioned below.
Minhaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah—(The Pathway of as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah)—Volumes 1–4
Al-Aqidah Al-Waasitiyyah—(The Creed to the People of Wāsiṭ)
Darʾ taʿāruḍ al-ʿaql wa al-naql (The rejection of the conflict between reason and revelation)—10 Volumes. Also called Al-Muwāfaqa ("harmony").
Majmoo' al-Fatawa—(Compilation of Fatawa) Volumes 1–36
al-Aqeedah Al-Hamawiyyah—(The Creed to the People of Hama, Syria)
al-Asma wa's-Sifaat—(Allah's Names and Attributes) Volumes 1–2
al-Jawab as Sahih li man Baddala Din al-Masih (Literally, "The Correct Response to those who have Corrupted the Deen (Religion) of the Messiah"; A Muslim theologian's response to Christianity)—seven volumes, over a thousand pages.
as-Sarim al-Maslul ‘ala Shatim ar-Rasul—The Drawn Sword against those who insult the Messenger. Written in response to an incident in which Ibn Taymiyyah heard a Christian insulting Muhammad. The book is well-known because he wrote it entirely by memory, while in jail, and quoting more than hundreds of references.[25]
Fatawa al-Kubra
Fatawa al-Misriyyah
ar-Radd 'ala al-Mantiqiyyin (Refutation of Greek Logicians)
Naqd at-Ta'sis
al-Uboodiyyah—(Subjection to God)
Iqtida' as-Sirat al-Mustaqim'—(Following The Straight Path)
al-Siyasa al-shar'iyya
at-Tawassul wal-Waseela
Sharh Futuh al-Ghayb—(Commentary on Revelations of the Unseen by Abdul-Qadir Gilani)
Some of his other works have been translated to English. They include:
The Friends of Allah and the Friends of Shaytan
Kitab al Iman: The Book of Faith
Diseases of the Hearts and their Cures
The Relief from Distress
Fundamentals of Enjoining Good & Forbidding Evil
The Concise Legacy
The Goodly Word
The Madinan Way
Ibn Taymiyya against the Greek logicians
Muslims Under Non-Muslim Rule
Read more biographies!
Mahathir mohammad, osama bin laden, ibn taymiyyah,Shakespeare, J F kennedy,Soekarno , Bill Gates , Bonnie Prince Charlie , Florence Nightingale , Horace Austin Warner Tabor , Bruce Lee , Che Guevara , Malcolm x, Colonel Sanders , Helio Gracie , mas oyamas , Mohammad Ali, John Milton
Kamis, 27 Desember 2012
short biography of osama bin laden
Osama's father was a faithful Muslim and a gentle man. His name was Muhammad bin Awad bin Laden. He was from Yemen. He worked as a porter in Jeddah. He later became a millionaire. He was an owner of a construction company the Saudi Kingdom. He was close to the royal family during the ruler of the King of Saudi Arabia. He did construction job from the king. His father died due to plane crash in 1967.
Osama’s mother was Syrian born. Her name was Alia Ghanem. Osama’s was the only child from Alia Ghanem. Osama’s father did polygamy. He had 50 children from his wives. It was a big family. Osama was raised by his stepfather because his mother divorced with his father. Then his mother married with Muhammad Al- Attas.
Osama was born on March 10, 1957 in Riyadh. He went to Al Tagher School from 1968 to 1976. He took Economics and Business administration at King Abdul Aziz University. At the age of 18 he married his cousin Najwa Ghanem. She was 14 years old. Osama’s first child was Abdullah.
Osama bin Laden joined Afghanistan mujahedeen in the period of Soviet Union invasion in 1979. CIA trained the armed forces of the mujahedeen. Finally, Soviet Union stepped out from the country in 1989. Osama came to Saudi as a hero. US named his soldiers as “ Freedom Fighters”
Osama was disappointed with Saudi’s government. He spoke publicly against the Saudi’s government‘s dependence to American troops. The Saudi’s government tried to make Osama quiet. In the end, Osama lived in exile in Sudan.
By 1988, Osama formed AL-Qaeda. He recruited many followers. Soon, AL-Qaeda grew. It became a mujahedeen Islamic organization, which aimed to build true Islamic state. In fact, many outstanding scholars of Islam did not agree AL-Qaeda’s movement because Al-Qaeda often used violent in the actions. In 1994, the Saudi’s government confiscated Osama’s passport and asked him to hand over his citizenship. US army sent Al-Qaeda out of Sudan. Osama announced war against America and removed Al-Qaeda’s base in Afghanistan.
Al-Qaeda claimed a series of bombing attacks. Osama was blamed to be involved in 11 September attack. Osama bin Laden became FBI most wanted men. In 1998, He also was suspected to US Embassy bombings. FBI promised $25 reward to capture Osama. On March 2, 2011 Osama was killed in Abbottabad, Pakistan by , by members of the United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group and Central Intelligence Agency.
Source . / wikipedia
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Mahathir mohammad, osama bin laden, ibn taymiyyah,Shakespeare, J F kennedy,Soekarno , Bill Gates , Bonnie Prince Charlie , Florence Nightingale , Horace Austin Warner Tabor , Bruce Lee , Che Guevara , Malcolm x, Colonel Sanders , Helio Gracie , mas oyamas , Mohammad Ali, John Milton
Mahathir mohammad, osama bin laden, ibn taymiyyah,Shakespeare, J F kennedy,Soekarno , Bill Gates , Bonnie Prince Charlie , Florence Nightingale , Horace Austin Warner Tabor , Bruce Lee , Che Guevara , Malcolm x, Colonel Sanders , Helio Gracie , mas oyamas , Mohammad Ali, John Milton
Senin, 24 Desember 2012
biography of soekarno the first president of Indonesia
This is a short biography of Soekarno. he is the first president of Republic of Indonesia.
Soekarno was born on June 1901 in Blitar. It is in the eastern of Java. He died on 20 June 1970. He went to the Dutch colonial school. He entered Bandung Institute of Technology in 1921. He finished his architecture study in 1926. When he was teen, he lived with H.O.S Tjokroaminoto, a nationalist leader. First, he married Siti Utari the daughter of Tjokroaminoto. The second wife was Inggit Garnasih after diforcing Siti Utari. In fact he married many times that some women organization criticized him although Islamic law permitted polygamy.
Soekarno was born on June 1901 in Blitar. It is in the eastern of Java. He died on 20 June 1970. He went to the Dutch colonial school. He entered Bandung Institute of Technology in 1921. He finished his architecture study in 1926. When he was teen, he lived with H.O.S Tjokroaminoto, a nationalist leader. First, he married Siti Utari the daughter of Tjokroaminoto. The second wife was Inggit Garnasih after diforcing Siti Utari. In fact he married many times that some women organization criticized him although Islamic law permitted polygamy.
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Soekarno the First President of R I |
Soekarno was the founding father of Republic of Indonesia. He founded Indonesian Nationalist Party ( PNI) in 1927. The party aimed to achieve Indonesian Independence under the Dutch Colonialism. He was a great public speaker. He was arrested and put in jail by the Dutch government in 1929. After he was free in 1931, he continued his political activities. Again, he was caught and exiled in Flores then Sumatra.
In 1942, he made collaboration with Japan when Japan resided in Indonesia. He worked with Japanese colonial in the hope of Indonesian Independence quickly. He was in the committee to prepare for Indonesian independence in 1944, Soekarno gave a speech on July 1, 1945. The speech was known as the Panca Sila ( Five Principles) as the ideology of Indonesia now. Those principles were belief in one God, nationalism, humanitarianism, social justice and democracy. Soekarno and Muhammad Hatta declared Indonesia’s independence on 17 August 1945. The parliament elected Soekarno and Hatta as the president and the vice president. Pancasila became the preamble of the state’s constitution.
Political chaos on 30 September ,1965 had signed that Soekarno’s political power dimmed. When army troops from left wing civilians (Communist party) tried to take over the national power, Soekarno was alleged to support the communists. Six army generals were killed that movement. The movement was known as G 30 S PKI ( Gerakan 30 September Partai komunis Indonesia/ The movement of 30 September Indonesia Communist Party ) . General Soeharto led the state troop to suppressed the trial of coup d'état. In 1968 General Soeharto became the second President of Republic of Indonesia. Soekarno died in Jakarta.
Soekarno has some children from his wife Fatmawati. They are Megawati, Guruh, Rahmawati, Guntur and Sukmawati. Soekarno’s political image still inspires a lot of young people in Indonesia. He also has children from his wife Hartini. They are Taufan and Bayu. He also married Japanese. She is Naoko Nemoto or Dewi. He has a daughter form Naoko. Her name is Kartika. Megawati Soekarno Putri is a symbol of his father ‘s political power against the Soeharto’s regime. In 2001 Megawati became the president of Indonesian Republic.
Read more biographies!
Mahathir mohammad, osama bin laden, ibn taymiyyah,Shakespeare, J F kennedy,Soekarno , Bill Gates , Bonnie Prince Charlie , Florence Nightingale , Horace Austin Warner Tabor , Bruce Lee , Che Guevara , Malcolm x, Colonel Sanders , Helio Gracie , mas oyamas , Mohammad Ali, John Milton
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