Reading disability is a condition where children have problems in their reading skill while they are entering school age. The problems can show differences from one child to others. There are many types of reading disability in children. The types range from low to high level.
Even though there are some labels for reading disability, researchers can analyze factors, which cause the problems. In fact, there are two major factors. First, they are biological and linguistic issues. These factors are from children themselves. Second, they are external factors, which come from children social life like parents and family.
Children who are deaf, mute, blind may have problem in their reading skill. Those biological factors cause reading disability. Another cause is from disorders in children’s brain. Doctors have the most authority to give a statement about this condition. They also know well what to do to deal with those children who suffer from biological disorders.
Reading disability that is caused by external factors can happen to children who do not have health problems. Some external factors are from family life, school environment, and social life. Children who come from families that love learning and reading usually, like reading and they can read faster than children who come from families who have no books at home.
Children who suffer from reading disability will face difficulty in learning at schools. Children who are late to catch up their lesson in reading may suffer from reading disability. Researchers and experts still have different opinions about this disorder. Some of them say reading backwardness, reading deficiency, and reading retardation. Reading disability is a condition where children do not have skill to understand or comprehend texts or passages.
There are some types of reading disability in children.
- Alexia
Alexia is reading retardation. Children who suffer from this cannot read at all.
- Dyslexia
Dyslexia is lower level of Alexia.
- Agrafia
Agrafia is inability to write. Children who suffer from this do not write at all.
- Disagrafia
It is lower level of Agrafia. Children will face much problem in writing.
Dyslexia is caused by language retardation. Children, whose problems in verbal communication, will also own problems in reading and writing skill. L G Alexander an author of practice and progress, Longman in his preface gave pictures as follow. Verbal skill precedes speaking skill, speaking skill precedes reading skill, and reading skill precedes writing skill.
When educators and parents find their children suffer from this disease, they can analyze the matters using L G Alexander’s opinion. Are the children skilled enough in oral communication or they have biological and linguistic disorders? If the biological problems do not exist , children may have social life that does not support their reading skill to improve.
Plowden Comission ( 1964) England, underlined a conclusion of a research. The conclusion is that the major factor which influences children achievement at schools is from parents(Tampubolon, 1933. Mengembangkan Minat dan Kebiasaan Membaca pada Anak, Bandung, Angkasa).
Children whose parents like reading and studying are better at schools.
Dyslexia or reading disability is not going to be a big problem if parents and educators can detect children’s problem quickly. Soon, parents know the problems; they have to do an action to give special treatment. Children who suffer from low level of dyslexia may not be getting worse when they obtain more attention and good treatment.
Reading disability has many alias names. They are reading backwardness, reading retardation, reading deficency and reading underachievement. Reading disability is a condition where children do not have skill to understand or comprehend texts or passages.
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